Submission of project proposals for triangular cooperation projects

Information on calls for proposals by the Regional Fund

Step by step guide

“The Regional Fund operates through two annual calls for TrC project proposals. The official submission of proposals is carried out together with the German embassies. Direct submissions cannot be considered.

  • 1. Demand and project idea:

    The Regional Fund works on the explicit demand of the beneficiary partner. It supports joint projects, usually between a facilitator (Germany), a pivotal partner and a beneficiary partner. The number of partners/countries is not necessarily limited to three. The roles of the partners are not necessarily limited to specific countries, nor are they fixed, so that each partner in the different TrC projects can be a beneficiary, pivotal partner or facilitator. The project partners develop and define their roles dynamically in the course of the cooperation, adapting them to the context and objectives of each project. Planning and implementation are done jointly and are demand-driven by the beneficiary partner. The Regional Fund focuses on promoting TrC with a multi-actor approach and with countries and multilateral partners "in" and "with" Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). The aim is to strengthen exchanges in the Latin American and Caribbean region and to promote alliances and joint projects with partners from other regions.


  • 2. Project design and preparation

    Potential partners jointly develop project proposals according to the criteria and using the Regional Fund form (see downloads on this page). The GIZ agencies and the respective cooperation agencies/institutions of the partner countries must be informed in advance and involved in the proposal preparation process. The governmental cooperation agencies/institutions express their official support for the proposal via letters of endorsement, which must be sent to the German embassies in the partner countries with the project proposal.  The project proposal should be sent in advance (4-6 weeks before the deadline) to the Regional Fund team for review. For this consultation, please contact us directly (
  • 3. Submission of the proposal:

    The project proposal and the corresponding letters of endorsement must be officially submitted to the German embassy in one or both partner countries by the deadline of the calls (30 April and 31 October).
  • 4. Coordination

    After the proposals have been officially submitted, the German embassies forward the documents to the BMZ. The Federal Foreign Office in Berlin (Auswärtiges Amt), together with the embassies, provides the BMZ with a brief position statement regarding the proposals. The Regional Fund advises the BMZ on the evaluation and decision on funding.
  • 5. Funding decision

    Based on the Regional Fund's criteria and the availability of funds, the BMZ informs about the approval of the German contribution to the projects (this process can take two to three months). The partners are officially informed of the funding decision by the respective German embassies.
  • 6. Implementation phase:

    BMZ commissions GIZ to implement the German contribution. Beneficiary and pivotal partner also commission their respective implementing organisation(s). The project partners jointly determine their management structure and define an operational plan to start implementing the project.
  • 7. Reporting:

    During implementation, a progress report is requested once a year, which is prepared in consultation with all project partners. At the end of the project, a final report and the preparation of a contact list for the ex-post evaluation will be required. The Regional Fund team will liaise with the project leaders to ensure the availability of the forms and coordination of the submission of the reports.


  • 8. Ex-post evaluation:

    After the completion of the project, an external ex-post evaluation will be carried out by independent consultancies in the region. Evaluations usually take place 4-10 months after project completion. All funded projects are evaluated, and funding is provided from Regional Fund resources.

Related documents

Criteria and processes

Project proposal form

Coordination between BMZ/GIZ/AA and Regional Fund

Our partners - 3 TrC projects introduce themselves

1. Costa Rica – Morroco – Germany: [00:14] – Improving sustainable management and use of forests, protected areas and water areas in the context of climate change, 2013-2016

2. Costa Rica – Dominican Republic – Germany: [01:35] – Development of an innovative financial mechanism for coral reef conservation in the Dominican Republic, 2017-2021

3. Perú – Paraguay – Germany: [03:55] – Strengthening inter-agency registry capacity building, 2015-2018

4. Argentina – Bolivia – Germany: [06:24] – Capacity building for the wine sector in sustainable management of water and energy resources, 2018-2020

General framework for Regional Fund projects

German cooperation partner country in the framework of bilateral, regional or global programmes, including outside LAC

Each partner’s strengths are leveraged and joint learning is encouraged

Triangular cooperation value-added indicators are included following the OECD “Toolkit for identifying, monitoring and evaluating the value added of triangular cooperation”

Be aligned to the development agendas and strategies of each partner

Strengthen public policies for sustainable development

There are no sectoral or thematic restrictions for TCr project proposals

Partnerships and trust-building are promoted, strengthening countries’ cooperation ecosystems

Each partner provides its own specified and quantified contribution

Contributions can be in kind or in cash

The project proposal presents objectives and impact indicators based on the SMART model

At least one partner must be from the Latin America and Caribbean region

Monitoring systems are in place (M&E, gender and risk mitigation)